Monday, January 29, 2007

How Do I Explain....

The feelings in my heart for a baby girl I have yet to meet? The contentment in knowing that eventually she will be in my arms even though I have no idea when? The way my ears perk up when I hear anything mentioned about China? The way my heart races when I see a family that reminds me what my family will eventually look like? How I LOVE my family exactly the way it is now but KNOW that my daughter is waiting for me half way around the world? That this journey is taking longer than I thought it would and for the most part I am fine with that? The yearning in my heart to get to China to soak up the culture but also to bring her to the United States to be with her family? So many questions but the biggest bestest answer is LOVE!

I LOVE Diana already although I have no idea about who she is....if she is born, if she has been conceived, if she is in an orphanage, if she is in foster care, if she is happy, if she is hungry, if she KNOWS in her heart that there are so many people who truly love her already.

Patiently(most of the time) I wait for the answers about Diana but in my heart the most important question has been answered. She IS my daughter and nothing could make me happier!


Anonymous said...

So well written. This is exactly how I feel about Claire.


Lucy Blue said...

It is amazing to feel so much love for a little being that nobody has met yet!

We concur!

LID 8/16/06

Becky said...

Lisa, I'm right there with you! When folks ask how many children I have, it's hard not to automatically answer "four!" Our Sarah's not with us yet physically, but she's in all our hearts and already a permanent member of our family! These endless waits for referrals with no clear end in sight definitely don't help!
Becky (who desperately needs to update her blog!)

Anonymous said...

I completely agree! That's exactly how I feel! Thanks for putting it into words!


Anonymous said...

I really understand how you feel. That unconditional love that can form even before you lay eyes on a child. It is one powerful thing.

Lori said...

Beautiful post! That's how I feel too, thanks for sharing that!