Monday, January 22, 2007

How Does She Know???

I have joined in on the secert pal fun of my CCAI Oct LID group. I have gotten several e-cards and e-mails of encouragement from my pal so far. About 2 weeks ago I was having a really bad day and my secret pal sent me an e-card that totally brightened my day. Today was a doozy at work. I got yelled at by 3 patients and then actually fell on a toy (at work). I went into the waiting room to ask a patient some more info and when I got up to go back to the reception area I stepped on a toy (a wagon at that) and me and it went into motion and then I fell. I had a bruise on the side of my leg almost instantly. I am still sore after advil and it being a few hours ago.

Anyway, I get home today and there on my kitchen table is a cute box with my name on it. I open it up to find the softest, warmest blanket for Diana. Also there were warm socks for Diana and even a pair for me! I really appriciate the thoughtfulness of my secret pal and also her ability to know exactly when I need a pick me up (literally)! I will cherish the blanket and the socks forever. When I cuddle up with Diana with this blanket I will think of my secret pal and smile!


Anonymous said...

Awww...that is a beautiful blanket! So nice that you had a nice way to end your day!

Janet T.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa...did you receive your gift from the Ladybug/Redthread Cyber Shower?

Lori said...

So pretty!