Sunday, October 01, 2006

Weight loss

Well I thought I would tell you about my weight loss journey. I have struggled with my weight for years now. I joined Weight Watchers when the boys were a little over a year. It took me close to a year but I lost 45 lbs and weighed less than the weight that is on my driver's licenses for the first time since getting my license at 18. I then slowly began to put all the weight and then some back on. I joined WW again but after losing a little I stopped going.

Fast forward to May of this year. I was really disgusted with myself and decided to join WW again but this time I am determined to lose the weight and keep it off. When I joined I was at an all time high for me. Since May I have lost 24.2 lbs. I still have a long way to go but I intend to do this the healthy way and to keep it off this time.

Last month in another effort to become healthier I joined Curves. I have to admit I really like it. I go three times a week and am out of there in less than an hour. When you join they do all sorts of measurements and of course weigh you. They repeat this on a monthly basis to gage your progress. I am happy to say in the course of a month between this and WW I have lost 5 lbs and also lost 6.5 inches. Way to go me!!!! I know this is a lifetime battle but I know I can do it!


Anonymous said...

Yay! Go are doing great!

I'm going to try to start again myself (partially cause of watching you!)- I need to be able to hoist an about-year-older soon without pain and suffering!


Kelly and Matt said...

Congrats, keep up the good work! I know it can get discouraging from personal experience but take one day at time and you'll do great...