We spent 5 days in the city of San Antonio for our family vacation. We got there last Sunday and were there until Thursday. We really had a lot of fun. It is amazing how relaxing this vacation was. We never left our hotel room until after 10am and then did what we wanted and came back to the hotel and swam and then went to dinner. We would come back to the hotel room and just relax and go to sleep. It really was exactly what we needed.
So we arrive at the River Walk our first day and I pull out my camera and it won't stay on because the battery isn't charged. Same with the camcorder. I am yelling at myself and laughing all at the same time. We have no pictures of the River Walk, the boat ride we took or the Alamo. Oh well.
I charge my cameras all night and my actual camera still isn't working. I did have some regular batteries so I did get to take pictures at Sea World but of course they don't really last long in my camera. We go to Best Buy to buy a new battery and charger. The charger doesn't fit the batteries so I just buy the disposable litium batteries which held up the rest of the trip. Once we get home and I'm on Kodak's website I realize the battery they gave me with my new camera (Mother's Day) was not recharable!!!! Oh well. I have now gotten a rechargable battery and life is good.
Back to vacation....Monday we spent the day at Sea World. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that place. The boys got to feed the dolphins, play in water and we saw some of the shows. We also got to see the baby beluga whale. Tuesday we went to this really cool wild animal park. You drive your car through and you get to feed all sorts of animals. There were deer, goats, moose, long horns, zebras, emus and ostirshes to name a few. Most of them would come right up to your car and eat out of your hand. The three funniest stories of the day:
- A moose went up to Matthew and slobered all over him. We thought it was hysterical Matthew not so much.
- Bailey was sitting behind me and feeding a zebra when all of a sudden I feel something on my leg. It was another zebra wanting to be fed.
- An ostrich kept pecking at the lock on Dave's door thinking it was food. Too funny.
We also went to a cavern that day and were all in awe of the beauty. I will post pictures but truely they do no justice to them. The boys loved being inside a cave. They want to know when we can go again.
Wednesday, my birthday, we went back to Sea World. We saw some more shows. We fed lorikeets and then had a blast in the water park. It was such a fun day except for Dave and I got sunburnt. We had sunblock on but obviously not enough. We then had dinner at a nice seafood resturant. YUM. The waitress brought a candle out so that Dave and the boys could sing happy birthday to me. Oh yeah when we woke up the boys handed me cards for my birthday.
Thursday our last day of vacation poured all day. We spent 5 hours in a mall bored out of our minds. We did see a 3-D movie on the IMAX screen. That was fun. Our flight thankfully was right on time and we got home without a hitch. Unfortunately Wednesday night I started losing my voice and it didn't come back until Saturday. I have a major sinus infection and bronchitis. Nothing 4 medications can't clear up. Although we had a great time it is always good to be back home.