Yesterday Bailey was home sick with a sore throat. We were sitting on the couch and he was telling me he really wants a Wii for Christmas. He tells me that is all he wants and that maybe a few things in his stocking. I tell him he will have to tell Santa about it but I think that is a great idea.
Later Matthew is skimming through the Target, Toys R Us and Walmart toy ads for the hundredth time. He is saying he wants this and that and so on. I told him that was a lot to be asking for. I told him that Santa had talked to me and said that things were going to be harder this Christmas. He just looked at me for a moment and went on to tell me all he wanted.
A while later Bailey comes upstairs takes a piece of paper and tells me he is writing a letter to Santa. When he produced it to me asking me how we can send it I almost started to cry. For those of you who can't read Bailey's chicken scratch it says:
"Dear Santa,
I want a Wii and a Wii controller. I know you are running low on money so here is a little money with this card.
He attached $1.50 in a baggie. My little boy is so sweet and caring yet it breaks my heart that he has to be concerned with finances at almost 8.
My bff K says that Bailey has a great investment going on. If he gives Santa $1.50 and he gets a Wii he has made a huge profit. I got a great laugh out of that one and of course Bailey didn't get it (thank goodness). I have told Bailey that we have a few unused games that we will drop off at one of the toy drives to help Santa as well.
I am so blessed to have a boy like Bailey!
Awwww...what a sweetie.
It's going to be tough around our house this Christmas too. It must be very hard to tell your kids that.
AWWWWWWW!!!!! That is so cute!
That is really cute.
That's my adopted nephew-he's got a good heart. I'm so proud :)
Oh man, Lisa, how sweet is that. I'm sure your boys will forgive Santa if he can't come through with the Wii ... ;)
That is so sweet! I will be praying along with him that he gets a Wii :)
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