Thursday, April 17, 2008

18 Months Down....Who Knows How Many More...

I had originally started this post on our 18 month LIDaversary and couldn't muster up enough enthusiasm to actually write anything good or bad. 18 months of not knowing is tough. Its even tougher knowing I have no idea how many months I have left to wait. For whatever reason I believe that 2009 is our year. I won't begin to guess as to when but something tells me it will happen in 2009.

I want to believe that things will change after the Olympics. I want to believe that there will be a speed up. I want to believe that after the spotlight is off China they will start to refer these children at a quicker pace. I am not living in a fantasy world that it will speed up and we will have Diana before the end of the year. I just hope it will become a little more predictable. There are 281 LIDs between the last LID referred and our LID. I just want to have SOME idea as to how much longer we will wait.

When we took the boys to Disney in 2006 we thought it would be the last "big" vacation before we got Diana and had to start making little trips again. We then went to San Antonio last year. Again hoping it would be the "last trip" as a family of 4. We are now planning a mini getaway for Dave and I this summer and then our "last trip" to Disney (shhh don't tell the boys yet) this fall to celebrate our 1oth wedding anniversary. I hope and pray the only real trip we will be making in 2009 will be to China go get Diana.

We will wait no matter how long it takes but there are days I wonder if it really will happen. I am an optimistic person by nature but how long can a person stay positive without any positive feedback? I just continue to hope and pray for my little girl who I already love so much. I think that's why this is so hard. We already love her and just want her home.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Praying for referrals to move along at a faster pace after the Olympics are over, early Aug. Don't lose heart, you will have her in your arms one day, in God's time.
